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How you can donate and help support our ministry

From the very beginning, when God first called our family into the ministry, we have watched Him provide for all of our needs. We have not once had to ask for financial help because God kept sending us help as we needed it. We have had many random encounters with individuals who said they just felt led to give us a gift or bless our ministry. Regardless of the size or amount, what has been given has always been just enough (sometimes more than enough) to continue in our calling and building the kingdom of God.


While we do not ask for donations or financial support, I have learned not to deny someone from being used by God to bless us as we minister to the needs of others. If you desire to help in any capacity (prayers, advice, financial, etc.) we do thank God for you and know that He will in return, bless you, above what you gave.


Any amount given by anyone will be used solely for the building of God's kingdom, local and abroad. 


May God richly bless you for your giving!

ways you can donate:


We would love to meet you in person and build lasting friendships!

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