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Our family desires to give our very best to advance the kingdom of God. We understand that God has gifted each one of us specifically so that we can reach this world with the gospel of Jesus Christ! Whether it's through a podcast, a Bible study, music, or fellowship, we have decided that we will do whatever we can to see lost souls come into His kingdom. 


While God has given our family a specific calling and has provided for every need we have had, we need you! Each one of you are a unique piece of God's masterpiece. We want to teach and equip every person we can so that you too can become a part of the body of Christ, reaching for another lost soul. 


Podcasting is a simple way for us to get the gospel out into the world. Our desire is that the conversations and teaching you receive will draw you closer to God. Between The Disciples Dialogue and Live With Intention, our podcast channels have reached thousands of people all over the world. We give God all the glory!

Bible Studies

There is no substitute for Bible studies. We have witnessed those receiving a Bible study finally gain an understanding of the contents of the Bible and with great joy, begin to obey the Word of God. Whether 1 on 1 Bible study, or in a group setting, the Word works! If you have not been taught a Bible study, please contact us. We would love to study the Word with you.


There is nothing more beautiful than when an individual makes the decision to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, washing away their sins and becoming a new person in Christ! If you've never been baptized in Jesus name, you can change that today! Contact us for more information about getting baptized. 

Holy Ghost Outpouring

Just like in the book of Acts, we have witnessed an outpouring of the Holy Ghost! You don't have to remain who you have been. You can start fresh, being born again of the Spirit. Let God fill you with His precious Spirit today and you will never be the same. If you want to know more about receiving the Holy Ghost, contact us today!

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